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WHOIS Information
query : # KOREAN(UTF8) 도메인이름 : 등록인 : 재단법인 국가관세종합정보망운영연합회 등록인 주소 : 서울특별시 송파구 백제고분로 460 쿠피아타워 2층 등록인 우편번호 : 05641 책임자 : 재단법인 국가관세종합정보망운영연합회 책임자 전자우편 : 책임자 전화번호 : 02-736-2960 등록일 : 2006. 09. 20. 최근 정보 변경일 : 2022. 08. 09. 사용 종료일 : 2027. 09. 20. 정보공개여부 : Y 등록대행자 : (주)아이네임즈( DNSSEC : 미서명 1차 네임서버 정보 호스트이름 : 2차 네임서버 정보 호스트이름 : IP 주소 : 호스트이름 : 호스트이름 : IP 주소 : 네임서버 이름이 .kr이 아닌 경우는 IP주소가 보이지 않습니다. # ENGLISH Domain Name : Registrant : KOREA CUSTOMS UNI-PASS & SINGLE WINDOW AGENCY Registrant Address : CUPIA Tower 2nd floor,, 460 Baekjegobun-ro Songpa-gu, Seoul, KR Registrant Zip Code : 05641 Administrative Contact(AC) : Customs Uni-Pass International Agency AC E-Mail : AC Phone Number : 02-736-2960 Registered Date : 2006. 09. 20. Last Updated Date : 2022. 08. 09. Expiration Date : 2027. 09. 20. Publishes : Y Authorized Agency : Inames Co., Ltd.( DNSSEC : unsigned Primary Name Server Host Name : Secondary Name Server Host Name : IP Address : Host Name : Host Name : IP Address : - KISA/KRNIC WHOIS Service -
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Check whether a Domain Name is available for registration or not via our Domain Search Tool.

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Find Domain Owner Information

Use the WHOIS Information tool to find out a domain's owner, location, ip and other information.

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Find out Domain Expiry

Looking out for a domain name that you want to claim? Learn when a domain will expire with our whois & search tools.

Whois Domain Tool

What is a Whois domain tool?

A Whois domain tool is a query and response protocol that is used to get information about registered domain names. It provides data such as the domain's ownership, registration date, and expiry date.

Why is a Whois domain tool important?

A Whois domain tool is crucial as it aids in domain verification, helps trace domain name registrants, assists in resolving system issues, and helps law enforcement in investigations and trademark research.

How to use our Whois domain tool?

To use our Whois domain tool, simply enter the domain name in the provided search box and hit enter. The tool will then generate a comprehensive report about the domain.

Is the data provided by the Whois domain tool accurate?

Yes, the data provided by a Whois domain tool is accurate as it is extracted directly from domain registrars' databases. However, some information may be hidden if the domain owner uses a privacy service.

Can I check the availability of a domain using a Whois domain tool?

Yes, a Whois domain tool not only provides information about a registered domain but also lets you check the availability of a domain if you're looking to register one.

Is the use of a Whois domain tool free?

Yes, our Whois domain tool is free to use. It provides a fast, reliable, and comprehensive report about any domain name you enter, at no cost.